Top 3 Takeaways from exhibiting at Geoweek 2023

February 20, 2023

Top 3 takeaways from exhibiting at Geoweek 2023

Our team had a great time in Denver at GeoWeek 2023, the largest event in the reality capture industry, with over 3000 attendees. Despite the cold weather, the JP team received a warm welcome from the Denver community. Our team had the opportunity to connect with individuals in the industry and showcase JPIV.

GeoWeek brought together some of the brightest minds, top brands, and industry experts to share insights and explore the future of reality capture. The event was a great success, and we are excited to share the top three takeaways that will have a significant impact on the industry.

There’s a growing need for CDEs and sharing capabilities

Common Data Environments (CDEs) is a term that was widely used and the
center of many of the conversations we had at the event. It refers to what an agnostic platform provides: a place where all types of data are accepted, regardless of their origin. 

Organizations are looking for a Common Data Environment to fulfill their transparency and visibility needs. These CDEs allow organizations to extract the most value out of their data while positioning themselves as collaborative teams where information is constantly shared.

Many around the industry are looking for the most efficient ways of presenting their work to their clients while also providing valuable opportunities in the long term.

AI is no longer a trend but a mainstream reality

If you turn on the news, open the latest newsletter, or just scroll through your Twitter feed, you’re bound to find something related to Artificial Intelligence.’s ChatGPT is the golden kid of this trend; capable of generating countless lines of text from a simple prompt.

In our industry, AI has taken an important role in workflows like object recognition, scan-to-bim, and crack detection. GeoWeek was a great window into the future of these kinds of technologies and what can be done if applied correctly.

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USIBD is laying down the groundwork for standards in our industry
On the second day of the event, USIBD held a “scanner shootout” where they scanned the exhibit hall using scanners from different vendors and then compared the resulting data. We spent some valuable time with the USIBD committee and shared insights about web-based point cloud visualization, reality capture data accuracy, and establishing industry standards.

We collaborated with our friends at Z+F USA to show their data on our very own JPIV. The audience was amazed by the clarity and sharpness of the point clouds, especially on the low and medium resolution, as well as the fidelity of reflective materials and overall ease of use.

USIBD is doing a great job on standardizing the industry of building documentation. One great example of this is how they are creating comparative datasheets of scanners manufacturers like Leica, Z+F and Faro, so readers can be easily choose between alternatives depending on the many use cases. We are excited to see how this effort develops and grows in the coming years.

In conclusion, GeoWeek 2023 was a fantastic event where we gained insights from various leaders and shared our knowledge with other industry experts. We came out of the event validating the value that JPIV provides to reality capture and engineering teams, and we’re excited to share our solution to empower our industry.

Visit our product page if you’d like to learn more about JPIV and how it relates to each of the takeaways from this blog.